Gimana sih caranya biar kita bisa dapet jumpseat di kokpit pesawat pas terbang? Selama ini cockpit visit kan hanya ketika sudah mendarat/RON....
Imron Siregar :
Peraturan Keselamatan Penerbangan Sipil Indonesia memperbolehkan selain crew untuk menempati jumpseat jika ada 3(tiga) izin:
- Ditjen perhubungan udara
- Dari company
- Pilot in Command
Setelah kejadian 9-11 peraturan keamanan bertambah ketat. Untuk beberapa negara atau company, flight deck harus terkunci dari boarding sampai penumpang seluruhnya deplaned :)
Fadjar Nugroho
Di tempat saya kerja di sini, bahkan operating cabin crew gak boleh masuk cockpit kecuali purser dan 1 orang crew yang bertugas membawa makanan ke kokpit.
hallo, mau tanya nih kalo penumpang pesawat boleh ga ngobrol sama pilot dan co-pilot ketika pesawat lagi terbang ?
Mulatua Hasiholan Limbong
Ga ada peraturan yg melarang penumpang ngobrol sama pilot, kecuali larangan masuk ke dalam cockpit selama penerbangan yang diterapkan di beberapa negara. Boleh kog tanya2 pas pilotnya lagi di cabin..
CASR 121.547 Admission to Flight Deck
(a) No person may admit any person to the flight deck of an aircraft unless the person being admitted is
- (1) A crewmember;
- (2) A DGCA air carrier inspector, or an authorized representative of the Director, who is performing official duties;
- (3) An employee of the Indonesian government, a certificate holder, or an aeronautical enterprise who has the permission of the pilot in command and whose duties are such that admission to the flight deck is necessary or advantageous for safe operations; or
- (4) Any person who has the permission of the pilot in command and is specially authorized by the certificate holder management and by the Director.
(b) For the purposes of paragraph (a)(3) of this section, employees of the Indonesian government who deal responsibility with matters relating to safety and employees of the certificate holder whose efficiency would be increased by familiarity with flight conditions, may be admitted by the certificate holder. However, the certificate holder may not admit employees of traffic, sales, or other departments that are not directly related to flight operations, unless they are eligible under Paragraph (a),(4) of this section.
(c) No person may admit any person to the flight deck unless there is a seat available for his use in the passenger compartment, except
- (1) A DGCA air carrier inspector or an authorized representative of the Director who is checking or observing flight operations;
- (2) An air traffic controller who is authorized by the Director to observe ATC procedures;
- (3) A certificated airman employee by the certificate holder whose duties require an airman certificate;
- (4) A certificate airman employed by another certificate holder whose duties with that carrier require an airman certificate and who is authorized by the certificate holder operating the aircraft to make specific trips over a route;
- (5) An employee of the certificate holder operating the aircraft whose duty is directly related to the conduct or planning of flight operations or the in-flight monitoring of aircraft equipment or operating procedures, if his presence on the flight deck is necessary to perform his duties and he has been authorized in writing by a responsible supervisor, listed in the Operations Manual as having that authority; and
- (6) A technical representative of the manufacturer of the aircraft or its component whose duties are directly related to the in-flight monitoring of aircraft equipment or operating procedures, if his presence on the flight deck is necessary to perform his duties, and he has been authorized in writing by the Director and by a responsible supervisor of the operations department of the certificate holder, listed in the Operation Specifications as having that authority.
CASR 121 Amdt. 6
NOMOR : KM 43 Tahun 2009
TANGGAL : 8 Mei 2009