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Airplane Flying Handbook

  1. Chapter 1—Introduction to Flight Training
  2. Chapter 2—Ground Operations
  3. Chapter 3—Basic Flight Maneuvers 
  4. Chapter 4—Slow Flight, Stalls, and Spins
  5. Chapter 5—Takeoff and Departure Climbs
  6. Chapter 6—Ground Reference Maneuvers
  7. Chapter 7—Airport Traffic Patterns
  8. Chapter 8—Approaches and Landings
  9. Chapter 9—Performance Maneuvers
  10. Chapter 10—Night Operations
  11. Chapter 11—Transition to Complex Airplanes
  12. Chapter 12—Transition to Multiengine Airplanes
  13. Chapter 13—Transition to Tailwheel
  14. Chapter 14—Transition to Turbopropeller Powered Airplanes
  15. Chapter 15—Transition to Jet Powered Airplanes
  16. Chapter 16—Emergency Procedures
  17. Glossary .................................
  18. Index.....................................